dental care

Veneers Prices
Considering How Much Veneers Will Cost You

Veneers prices vary depending on the number of teeth you need to treat.

Generally, the prices can range from $700 all the way to $2000 per tooth.

The quality of various porcelain veneers differ, which causes the differences in prices.

Despite the high prices, dental veneers are excellent solutions to damaged or unattractive teeth. A lot of people go for dental veneers as a way to solve cosmetic dental problems, such as stains, chipped teeth, or misaligned teeth.

The veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front of the teeth, which provides beautiful, straight and perfectly clean teeth that beautifies your smile.

However, one thing to consider very carefully before taking veneers is the cost.

Considering Dental Veneers Prices

A few things to know when considering dental veneers prices:

  • Factors to Consider
  • Pricing Summary
  • How to Get Help Paying for Dental Veneers

1. Factors to Consider

Veneer PricesThere are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to the veneers prices. The very first treatment that affects the price of the veneers is the number of teeth you want to put veneers on.

This number depends on your preference, but in determining this, you should also consider the recommendations of your dental health provider. Also, this often depends on the specific problem you want to cover up.

Some veneers are needed only to hide a cracked tooth, which means you only need one veneer. But for cases of misaligned teeth, several veneers may be necessary.

Most of the time, a higher number of veneers are needed for cosmetic purposes.

Aside from that, the porcelain veneers have different levels of material quality and longevity. This can also make the price of dental veneers differ. Although high-quality veneers can cost more, you can score great savings since you won’t have to worry about having the porcelain laminates repaired.

On top of that, different types of veneers also look different as well. Some tend to look more attractive than others, and some may look quite attractive at first but may fade in appeal after some time. Your top options include da Vinci Veneers and Lumineers, both of which are top brands. The difference in cosmetic quality and branding can also make prices vary.

2. Pricing Summary

As mentioned earlier, veneers prices often range from $700 to $2000, but this is on a per-tooth basis.

If you require a full set, you may need to pay anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000. This price is for the veneer materials that will be used on you.

But in getting dental veneers, the veneers prices would also include the professional fee for your dentist. This usually varies according to your dental professional’s own background, training, and experience.

One important thing to note is that you need to choose a good dentist for your veneers. Veneer treatments require high-quality skills of an expert dentist. Most of the time, however, cosmetic dentists are the trusted experts when it comes to dental veneers.

3. How to Get Help Paying for Dental Veneers

Dental veneers can be quite expensive, but there are many ways to get funding for your porcelain laminates.

One stumbling block you might encounter is that veneers, considered as cosmetic dental treatments, are not included in dental insurance plans. But you can also source funds through financing from certain companies.

For example, there are companies such as CareCredit and Capital One Health Care, which offer financing plans that can help you get great-looking veneers to give your smile the makeover it deserves. Financing can give you funds that you can pay within six months or longer, and you will also enjoy affordable interest rates with this option.

Final Thoughts

To get your veneers prices, you should go to a dentist and have your veneers planned.

First, you and your dentist should plan the size and shape of veneers you need, as well as what type of veneer will best fit your specific cosmetic needs. After these things are considered, your cosmetic dentist will come up with a price for you to consider.

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